A Thankful Heart and a Kingdom Heart

2:05 PM

We had an opportunity to serve at church this year with our home school group. We boxed up food for the annual Thanksgiving outreach.

My two step kids attend public school. When I told them I would be checking them out of school early, they were mortified.

We are serving and doing kingdom work, I said. Of course, education is extremely important, but equally important is spiritual growth.

The Lord commands us as parents to train our kids up! It's up to us to teach our children morals and help them develop a heart for the kingdom of God. It is not something that happens in Sunday school once a week or at school from a teacher. It begins at home.

Although my dear daughter (honor roll-straight-A-student ASB treasurer) did not want to leave early, she thanked me after our event. She said she really felt good knowing that she was helping others that are less fortunate. : )

Now if that's not worth missing 6th period, I don't know what is. <3

                                                     3 of my 4 kids (Oldest son was at work.)

Praying over the boxed up food in the storage container.

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